
There is no reason to do just half of our work. Open up the path to the digital world even for your subsidiaries.

subsidiary companies
Slovenian and foreign companies
rapid implementation

Companies already using SAP solutions are offered the possibility of implementing the same solutions in their subsidiary companies at home or abroad through the SAP rollout approach. We also ensure support for the legal requirements in a specific country - in the area of taxes, salaries, etc.

Advantages of the rollout approach:

  • a consolidated business model, which is easier to maintain and develop,
  • overview of activities in subsidairy companies around the world,
  • unified reporting procesess that meet corporation accounting standards,
  • reduction of tax and business risks,
  • reduction of the total costs for system lease,
  • a comparable short implementation time, etc.  

ERP systems - Out with the old, to the cloud for the new
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Would you like to get to know the rollout solution better?

Apply for a free consultation with our advisers.

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Sporočila pošiljamo enkrat mesečno, nanašajo pa se na nove zapise, priročnike, dogodke in druge koristne vsebine s področja dokumentnih sistemov in SAP rešitev.