Tonči Cerar CIO, Helios Group

Avtenta has been meeting our expectations for many years and has been our partner in our strive for digital transformation with new suggestions and solutions.

The document solution was first presented to us in 2012 when we implemented a liquidation module for book-keeping documents. The very next year, we implemented two new software modules, namely e-contracts and a module for quality process management, followed by solutions for liquidating invoices in Serbian companies and for companies of the new owner in Austria.

In 2016 we also implemented support for e-invoices and management of the manufacturing documentation. Currently, we are improving our software module for quality process management, which will allow us to always know which are the current document versions and where they currently are, as well as who is responsible for which activity and its current state.


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Sporočila pošiljamo enkrat mesečno, nanašajo pa se na nove zapise, priročnike, dogodke in druge koristne vsebine s področja dokumentnih sistemov in SAP rešitev.